Our Elopement

Zion National Park
May 2016


Vinay and I met in Spring 2010 through our mutual friend, Carleton. A few of our friends would get together once a week in Kennedy Hall at Belmont University for a game night. Once Vinay started joining us for game night, we were inseparable. From the day we met, we were just basically always together. Fast forward six years later to Spring 2016, and we decided to elope! Many factors went into our decision to elope, which we may be able to dive into one day, but one of the beautiful and positive reasons is because we love nature and we love each other. Our relationship has always been fairly private even though we surround ourselves with friends. It just made sense for us.


We began doing some research on the most beautiful views in the US. When I came across Observation Point in Zion National Park, I instantly knew that was our spot. We asked two of our best friends Thomas and Julia of Electric Peak Creative to come along to document our adventure. They made the most beautiful video, which is linked below, and took these gorgeous photos. We also asked another one of our best friends, Paul, of Canyon City to play the music for our ceremony. I had pictured the ceremony at the top of the canyon as very private, with no one around. Well, there was actually around twenty people at the top of the canyon (haha), but it was actually kind of nice to get married in front of a group of strangers. They were super respectful, quiet, and genuinely excited for us.


Many people ask if there were any hard feelings between us and our family and friends. Well, we told a few of our close friends prior to leaving for our trip. We told our families as well. I think the important thing to remember is to put yourself in others’ shoes. It was important for us to tell those we’re closest to. Were some of our friends upset when we announced our elopement? Yes, of course. We did our best to explain our reasoning and let them know that we, of course, love them and value their friendships.


Our elopement trip was truly a trip of a lifetime. Zion National Park will forever hold a special place in our hearts. We can’t wait to go back!