
Tims Ford Lake is located in Winchester, TN.. just fifteen minutes or so from where I (April) grew up. I spent a lot of time at this lake as a child, but I never really did many of the hiking trails, so it was exciting to go down memory lane while making some new memories at the same time.

We only had a small bit of time before the rain was scheduled to come in, so we chose to hike the Lost Creek trail. It can be a bit confusing at first because there are quite a few trails that cross or overlap each other. The Lost Creek trail is located right behind the new-ish visitor center.

One of the first things you’ll come to on the trail is an awesome old car! Legend has it that before property was owned by the state, some teenage boys crashed their parents’ new car, and the family couldn’t retrieve it from the hill. I don’t know if that is true, but it’s a fun thing to come upon when hiking, nevertheless.


Right by the old wrecked car is an awesome beautiful bridge! It crosses a deep ravine, and in general.. it’s just fun!

Once you cross the bridge, you’ll hike a short distance before coming to a hidden trail to the overlook. It’s not super hidden, but you do have to pay attention or you might miss it. This was one of my favorite spot. It was so nice to find a space overlooking the lake that we had all to ourselves.


As you continue hiking, you’ll zig zag up and then down to a bridge crossing over a little alcove of the lake.

The entire trail is a little over three miles, but as we were hiking, it began to thunder, so we found a way to cut through the woods to the end of the loop. Have you been hiking in Tims Ford State Park? Tell us about your favorite trail!

April ShroffComment