We knew we wanted to take Naman camping before the weather got too cold, but our expectations were low. We chose to go just thirty minutes outside of Nashville to Cedars of Lebanon State Park. Our plan was to arrive around bedtime, set up the tent, go to sleep, and wake up… literally no expectations for food or fun (haha).

For Naman we packed:

  • His camping chair

  • Two onesies

  • A hoodie

  • His sleepsack

  • A handful of diapers / wipes

  • Milk / bottles

  • A couple of toys

We left the house around 5:30pm and arrived to the camp store to sign in around 6pm. I was so relieved to see only campers and RVs when we arrived to our site because that meant we were less likely to interrupt their sleep with crying. We set up Naman in his tiny camper chair, and the boss watched us set up camp. I will say, the mosquitos were out in full force, so that was a battle, but we made do.

By the time we were done setting up the tent, Naman was ready to bed. He wasn’t super cranky.. just little whines here and there. While Vinay unpacked the rest of the car, I fed Naman a bottle and put him in his sleepsack.

Here’s the crazy part… he just fell asleep. Literally. No tears. No fighting it. He just laid down on the mattress and fell asleep. It was magical, to be honest. I think we have the melodious crickets to thank.

Check out our proud faces below. haha

What we weren’t prepared for was the awkwardness of being extremely quiet while sitting in a tiny tent at 7pm - Haha! We quickly learned how loud a Hershey’s package to make (heatless) s’mores can be.

Naman did great throughout the night. He woke his usual three or so times to eat, but each time he fell right back to sleep. I was most worried about not having a rocking chair, as we live in that thing at our house, but he didn’t seem to notice.

The next morning we took a few photos and packed up. It was a success! Our first family camping trip! We are excited for many more adventures with our little guy - but hopefully we’ll get to eat next time.