Abhaneri Village is a tiny village in the Dausa district - in between Jaipur and Agra. You will definitely need a car/driver to take you there. Upon arrival, you’ll notice huts that seem to be made of straw, sticks, and clay. The roof shingles are cow dung. I would have loved to observe these buildings more if we had had time.

In the village center, you’ll find a few little shops and things for the tourists. We decided to check out the step well first. It is one of the deepest and largest step wells in India. Extremely impressive. As you stand at the top of the step well, you can imagine the women walking down the stairs to retrieve water. How they did this in their sarees… I will never know.

After staring in awe for quite some time, we decided to walk around the village a bit. The architecture was gorgeous - I mean that blue, am I right? We came across a group of children (I am not going to show their photos for their protection). They were so sweet and asked us many questions. We had fun chatting with them for a bit.

The street looped around to the Harshat Mata Temple. The ancient stone on this temple was just beautiful. You can’t help but think of all of the people who may have come to stand in that very spot.

In our opinions, Abhaneri Village is definitely worth the excursion if you’re visiting the Jaiper-Agra-Delhi triangle!