While planning our 2020 trip to India, I knew I wanted to see elephants. However, I didn’t want to ride them. I didn't want to paint them. I just wanted to see elephants.. happy elephants living free. I did A LOT of extensive research to ensure we found a legitimate elephant sanctuary, and I am certain we did. Wildlife SOS is a magical, peaceful sanctuary for elephants, dancing bears, and other animals! They rescue animals from horrible situations - most from “performing” jobs - where they have been neglected and/or abused. You do have to pay to visit Wildlife SOS.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by Sri, our educator and tour guide for the day. Usually you may be paired with out people in a group, but we had the opportunity to tour alone. Sri showed us an introductory video in the office, and then we headed out to the fields.

Sri told us that each elephant is assigned their caregiver, and they try not to change the caregiver so that the elephant can build trust. I unfortunately cannot remember these two elephants names, but I do remember Sri telling us that one of them was blind, and the other one would help her along.

Sri told us that the caregivers are previous mahouts (trainers and handlers of performing elephants). Not only does Wildlife SOS rehabilitate the animal, they also attempt to channel the mahouts’ knowledge into good.

After walking in the fields, it was time for the elephants’ dinner. They were getting watermelon and fresh sugar cane - yum!

Our visit to Wildlife SOS was inspiring and breathtaking. Seeing these majestic animals up close and personal was an experience I may never get again! You won’t get to paint the elephant. You won’t get to ride the elephant. You won’t get to give the elephant a bath. But you WILL get to see the elephants up close, talk to their caregivers, and learn all about their amazing lives. I’m so grateful to Wildlife SOS for providing us the opportunity to visit.