Our sweet Teddy passed away on May 29 of this year. Around the end of April, we noticed that he was breathing heavy. We took him to the vet, and they had us immediately rush him to the ER vet where he stayed overnight. He was diagnosed with Chylothorax. We tried a rutin treatment for about month. Unfortunately, the chyle continued to build up, and his body was requiring chest taps every week… and then multiple times per week. We made the hard decision to let him go. Here are both of our words from that day.



Today we had to say goodbye to our very first buddy, Theodore “Teddy” Shroff. I have almost no words to describe the depth of our sorrow right now. Nothing could have prepared us for this. Hopefully some pictures will suffice to show how much he’s meant to us over the past nine years. We love you forever, Teddy. I’ll never forget what you did for us. I truly wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. We don’t want to go on without you, but we’ll try, in your memory. I just lost my best bud. I’m with you to the end of the line, pal.


I will miss you, my sweet boy. We said goodbye to our fuzzy buddy for the last time today. Teddy joined our lives in 2011 when we adopted him from Nashville Humane Association. He was the cutest little fluff ball and full of spunk. He stood by our sides through college, graduation, our first jobs, five homes, sixteen foster kittens, getting married, almost our entire twenties, and a total of nine years. It will be weird going through life milestones without him by my side. Even with a month of knowing it was probably coming, I am heartbroken. I selfishly wish he could have lived forever. He was hilarious, a nurturer, a boss, and full of life. I don’t know what I’ll do without my little shadow as I’m cooking or without a fluffy tail in my face while I sleep. I hope his little soul is at peace, and I hope he knows that I loved him.

April ShroffComment