We had TWO family Halloween costumes this year for Naman’s first Halloween! I’ll start with the more exciting one.

For those of you who don’t know, Vinay was obsessed with dinosaurs as a child, so of course, we had to do a Jurassic Park theme. The twist was… instead of the predictable Dr. Grant and Ellie Sattler, Vinay wanted to make it “What Could Have Been: Dr. Ellie Sattler-Malcom and Dr. Ian Malcom.” (bahahaha)

I’ll admit I was a little disappointed in myself for not making a dinosaur costume for Naman, but I think in the end, it worked out much better. I purchased Naman’s costume from Amazon. My costume was completely thrifted from our local Thriftsmart. Vinay’s costume included… ring, watch, necklace, black belt, sunglasses, button down shirt, and black jeans.

For our second costume - I threw this one together quickly for a costume contest at work. I used one entire Amazon box for the rocket ship, some paint, a hot glue gun - and voila! I am a NASA mission control person, and Vinay is the universe (ignore the order of the planets please lol).