Saguaro National Park.. man.. where to begin? If you didn’t grow up in the desert like us, then you’ve probably mainly only seen cacti in books and movies. Photographs don’t do these giants justice. The only word to describe Saguaro National Park is magical. We both couldn’t stop smiling.


We first stopped at the Red Hills Visitor Center. I’ve been unsuccessfully researching to find the architect of the visitor centers, so if you know, please leave a comment below! The Red Hills Center is the coolest National Park center we’ve been too. The design is mimics the architects similar to Frank Lloyd Wright. It mimics the environment around it - the lines and structure are just so cool. We could have stayed there all day. Unfortunately we visited during the government shutdown, so we were unable to go inside the visitor center, but I did peek in the window, and it looked pretty cool!


Once we got deeper into the park, we didn’t do a particular trail like we usually do. We were so intrigued by the environment and the sunlight that we ended up wandering around, observing our surroundings. The silence with the occasional bird chirping created an environment of solitude.

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Saguaro is a park that is accessible to people of all ages and physical abilities. We did hear a rattlesnake, but we didn’t see any of the animals, harmful or peaceful, that we had heard inhabited the area. We visited in January, and it was pretty warm, so don’t forget to take plenty of water and wear a hat no matter the time of year. What’s your favorite thing about Saguaro National Park?

April ShroffComment